Mindset for Mums This Festive Season

This festive time of year brings a mixed bag of emotions for us parents or mamas-to-be.

On the one hand, we get to look forward to seeing those sparkly eyes light up as they see that Santa has been (despite being threatened with the naughty list numerous times!), family gatherings and parties fill the calendar, and you get to snuggle on the sofa watching Christmas movies for the 1,374th time.

On the other hand, you’ve got the numerous food shops to do, Christmas lists to live up to, gatherings that require digging out the ole faithful black dress, not to mention the school plays and fairs to attend.

It can be tiring just thinking about it, let alone being in the midst of the madness.


How to Keep the Overwhelm at Bay During the Festive Season

Whilst it’s a time for celebrations and giving to others, it’s also important to check in with yourself and your mental health. Us mums can easily slip into overwhelm when there are so many plates to spin and so-called expectations to be met.

Overwhelm can feel like a fog bomb has been released in the brain. We tend to jump from one task to the next, and it can be tough to have the patience needed at this busy time of year.

In these monthly ‘Mummy Mindset’ blogs, I’ll be sharing some different life coaching tools, techniques and insights to help keep your wellbeing in check and, most importantly, to recognise that you aren’t alone in this journey.

Here are 10 simple yet powerful steps to take if you feel yourself slipping into overwhelm this festive season (and beyond!):

  1. Recognise that no matter what’s happening in the moment, it is temporary.

  2. When you can, remove yourself from the situation or place where you are feeling overwhelmed.

  3. Find somewhere quiet, either indoors or outdoors, and begin to focus your attention on your breathing. This helps to relax the nervous system and settle any emotional feelings or upset.

  4. Take 5 long deep breaths, exhaling slowly whilst imagining you are releasing any tension or overwhelm through the breath. Again, focus your attention on your breathing.

  5. Repeat to yourself 5 times “I am safe, I’ve got this” with a breath between each one.

  6. Take a piece of paper or the notes in your phone and ‘brain dump’ all that’s on your mind. It may come out looking like a dear diary entry, or a to-do list! There’s no right or wrong.

  7. Then choose just 1 thing that you’re going to solely focus on doing next, and do it to your best ability.

  8. Check in to see if there is anything you can delegate or reach out for support with. If so, do it! There’s no shame in asking for help or support; it is in fact a powerful thing to do.

  9. Continue from there, focusing on just 1 thing at a time, repeating the affirmation “I am safe, I’ve got this”.

  10. Be ok with things being carried over to the next day! If you can’t do it today, accept that and release it from your mind by putting it on a sticky note or writing it somewhere to simply do tomorrow.

The reason the “I am safe” affirmation is so powerful is because your body’s natural response to overwhelm and stress is to go into fight or flight mode. The mind and body thinks that it may be in danger, hence the feeling of adrenaline and the heart pumping that bit faster. Only there is no real danger (only if the Sellotape gets stuck to itself one more time!), so reminding yourself that you are safe reassures your mind and body that although you may be feeling stressed, it is ok to come off high alert and relax, helping to calm the nervous system and get you back to a more neutral state of being.

Mother Nature Sanctuary has some wonderful treatments that can also help with relaxation. I for one am sneaking a treatment onto my Christmas list this year!

Try some of the techniques above and remember, breathe into all that this season gives you. And no matter what happens, you’ve got this.

Carol-Ann Reid

Life Coach & Author
